Best Ad Spy Tools in 2021
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Best Ad Spy Tools in 2021

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Competition is what keeps us going and pumped up to do better, be it in the physical world or the digital one. Lately, the competition we face in both of these worlds seems to be growing exponentially, as does the will to stay ahead. Digital marketing is one of the domains where staying ahead of your rivals is extremely important, and not just to generate a greater revenue, but sometimes to even stay relevant. This is where Ad Spying comes in.

Ad Spying is a method of keeping tabs on your competitors to know their keyword strategy, tracking and comparing SEO rankings among your rivals, along with viewing and monitoring your competitors ads. Ad Spying tools help digital marketers with exactly the same regime, acting as a tracking tool, gathering data on your competitor’s marketing strategy.

What are Ad Spying Tools?

Ad Spying tools are built for Digital Marketers who wish to track their competitor’s keyword strategies, compare their SEO rankings, and monitor their ads to help develop better strategies. These tools even notify you if any of your competitors use a keyword that you added, or even if there is a change in your position in the ad rank. Depending on some specific keywords and your settings, Ad Spying tools run several times a day, and offer you a comprehensive view of the search results, comparing you with your competitors.


There are a lot of Ad Spying tools that give you different results, with a wide range of data, and it is never easy to choose the one that suits your marketing strategies better. However, comparing some of the best Ad Spying tools, we bring you the list of 10 of the best Ad Spying tools, used by some of the best and most successful content marketers, so you can make your pick.

Social Peta



AdPlexity is an ad spying tool that helps you gather all the advertisement information of your competitors within a couple of clicks. Be it the profitable applications that give your rivals an edge or keeping track of your own mobile campaigns and conversion flows, AdPlexity has you covered. To add to that AdPlexity offers various products which you may run on different devices including AdPlexity Push, AdPlexity Mobile, AdPlexity Desktop among others, to make competitor tracking and analysis convenient.

While AdPlexity Push and Carriers costs $129, AdPlexity Mobile, Desktop, and Ecomm cost $149 each, on a one time purchase. The AdPlexity Native, that uses some of the most powerful native traffic sources, costs users $169.

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PowerAdSpy is one of the best ad spying tool out there that allows you to view ad campaigns, landing pages, and results just by selecting your target audience. With marketing strategies and tools both changing at an unprecedented rate, PowerAdSpy is the perfect tool marketers can use to keep up. With PowerAdSpy, you can filter the ads to narrow down your search, find latest ads on any niche with robust algorithms, and focus on engagement oriented details.

PowerAdSpy offers various different pricing plans including the free plan, the Basic plan that costs $49, the Standard plan that costs $99, the Premium plan costing $149, Platinum plan costing $249, the Titanium plan that costs $299 and the Palladium plan that costs $349 per month respectively.


BigSpy is an AdSpy tool with the ability to extract ads from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and various other websites and applications with ease. It flaunts a humongous ad base of over a billion ads with powerful search and filtering options. Moreover, BigSpy shows you featured ads picked by intelligent tools along with ad ideas tracked by user searches in real-time.

BigSpy offers 3 different pricing plans called the Basic, Pro, and Elite Plans that cost $9, $99, and $399 per month respectively. It also offers a free plan with the basic features and while the free plan offers 5 queries per day, the Basic plan offers 20 queries per day, and the Pro and Elite plans offer unlimited queries.

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Anstrex is an ad intelligence tool for marketers content creators, and brand advertisers. While performance marketers and affiliates use Anstrex for native advertising to generate and enhance revenue, brand advertisers use it to learn and compare their advertising strategy with their competitors. Moreover, Anstrex offers various integrations with top tools like Shopify, AliExpress, and AWS.

While Anstrex Native for native advertising costs $ 59.99 per month, Anstrex Push for push advertising costs users $79.99 per month. For dropshipping services, Anstrex Dropship is also available free of cost.


AdSpy is a powerful ad spying tool with the largest searchable database for Facebook and Instagram ads.It allows you to find ads through keywords, ad texts, URLs and much more incorporating social media data to convert them into competitive insights. The quick and efficient interface with a collection of over 95 million ads in 88 different languages gives you everything you need to create a comprehensive ad campaign.


Adbeat offers great insights into the digital marketing world and is used by some of the leading brands. It has the ability to turn raw data into competitive information using various data centers and high end servers. Using intelligent web crawlers, data collected by high end servers, and data visualization, Adbeat helps you know your competitors’ profitable publishers and landing pages. Moreover, you can view insights on your competitors’ performance through ads and ad networks.

Adbeat offers 3 different pricing plans called the Standard Plan, Advanced Plan, and the Enterprise Plan. While the Standard and Advanced Plans cost $249 and $399 per month respectively, the Enterprise plan offers custom features and pricing.

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iSpionage is an ad intelligence and spying tool for marketers to drive targeted traffic, generate leads, and increase conversion rates. iSpionage allows you to do comprehensive competitor analysis with PPC keywords, user journey reports, and keyword grouping and landing page snapshots. In other words, iSpionage allows you to identify your top competitors and advertisers and helps you learn from them.

iSpionage offers 3 different pricing plans, called the Starter plan, Professional plan, and the Advanced plan, that cost $59, $99, and $299 per month respectively. It also offers an Enterprise plan that offers custom solutions and pricing based on the plan.

Social Peta

Social Peta is an ad intelligence platform for monitoring top ads and products. It covers over 70 channels including some giants like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Social Peta has a database of over 5 million global advertisers, for multi-dimensional analysis and marketing grasp. Be it getting creative ideas from Ad Creative Spy, or insights into the Ad costs of platforms, Social Peta allows you to monitor your competitors’ marketing strategy to get the best results. Moreover, real-time updates of the intelligence information allows you to stay ahead of your peers.


SpyOver is a native monitoring and analysis platform that helps you monitor your competitors’ ads and analyse native ads. With SpyOver you have the freedom to search by keyword, landing text, and even publishers, while you also get visual statistical analysis of your competitors’ ad campaigns. Moreover, you can find new trends and download ads and landing pages while also saving time and money.

SpyOver offers 2 pricing options with its Tarif Professional and the Tarif Corporate plan which cost $149 and $299 per month respectively. Both plans include advanced search options and detailed statistics with all data and functions.



SpyFu is a robust and all round ad spying and intelligence tool that monitors every keyword, organic ranks, and ad variations that the user wants to view. Its recommendations drive suggests trending ad ideas to embed in your Google Ads campaigns, while the real-time rank monitoring allows you to find your search rankings on different web browsers. Moreover, the PPC competitor research serves as a keyword spy tool to help with the ad campaigns.

SpyFu offers a Basic plan, a Professional plan and a Team plan, which cost $33, $58, and $199 per month respectively when paid annually, while $39, $79, and $299 per month respectively when paid monthly. While all plans offer unlimited search results, data exports, and domain overviews, they offer varying number of weekly tracked keyword rankings and sales leads.


While there are many Ad Spying and Intelligence tools out there, different tools focus on different niches. Tools like SpyFu and iSpionage focus more on analyzing competitors’ ad campaigns, while others like Anstrex and Social Peta are more oriented to offer insights into keyword analysis and ads on social channels. So the choice of the perfect Ad Spying tool totally depends on your campaign strategy.

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